Your Invitation to a very Special Course
Join us for once a week for three weeks for our exclusive course and transform your teaching!

The Inner Game of Teaching Piano
Three 90 minute sessions over three consecutive Tuesdays staring 13th July 2021. We hope you'll be joining us for this very special course...
Feel inspired, enlightened and refreshed in your work.
This course will...
- Renew your own personal teaching and performing philosophies
- Deepen your psychological understanding of pupils & parents.
- Give you practical skills to make lessons more effective and enjoyable.
- Introduce you to multi-sensory and "magical" approaches.
- Enable you to deal with difficulties with pupils & parents
- Help you understand the causes of performance anxiety and how to overcome this
- Guide you to hear and trust your intuition during lessons, performance and life in general!
Join us for this relaxed and intimate series of three sessions over three weeks
as we explore the emotions and inner game of both teaching and learning piano
"Lucinda has the knack of tuning in..."
"Lucinda has a knack of tuning in to the audience and delivering exactly what they want and need."
"Confidence building & creative solutions"
"Lucinda is great for confidence building, creative solutions and feeling that everyone can do what they want - belief in YOU!"
"Support, understanding and helpful counsel"
"I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for all your (Lucinda's) support, understanding and helpful counsel."
Deepen your psychological understanding of pupils and parents...
About us...
About Lucinda...
Lucinda Mackworth-Young is an inspirational international lecturer, pianist and teachers. Recognising tha gaps in conventional piano education she pioneered Practical Psychology for Musicians who are teaching, learning and performing, playing by ear and improvising in simple steps and Dance for Musicians.
Well-known for her entertaining and accessible approach which sheds light and solves the problems which teachers face in their studios every day. She works closely with international exam bodies ABRSM and Trinity College and is now International Director of the renowned "Piano Teachers' Course UK".

About your host...
Gillian Erskine is co-founder of global success story Forte School of Music which boasts 17 Forte Music Schools across 4 countries training hundreds of piano teachers in Whole Body Learning, a philosophy that both Gillian and fellow co-founder Paul Myatt pioneered. Gillian is a pedagogical composer and has lead the writing teams for all 20 Forte course books, composing many of pieces included in the series.
Making music fun! is her mantra and along with best friend and business partner Paul Myatt she has co-founded "The Studio" membership to help piano teachers attract, keep and teach more students with all the support and resources they need to grow a thriving piano studio.
Gillian is co-author of best selling easilearn FUNdamentals Theory series aimed at making theory fun and is well known in piano teaching circles as host of popular online show Piano Teaching Success Q+A. Gillian's stories have been included in international best selling series "The Power of Why".
Come join us for three 90 minute sessions over three Tuesdays in July...
What's included...
3 x 90 minute interactive sessions together using Zoom platform. You can choose to interact as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
Session 1: Tuesday 13th July
Session 2: Tuesday 20th July
Session 3: Tuesday 27th July
- UK: 10am
- Australian Eastern 7pm
- Australian Western- Singapore-Hong Kong 5pm
VALUE: Priceless.
Lucinda's unique, highly relevant, practical and proven course is based on a lifetime's experience of piano teaching, performing and psychological insight. Rarely do we have an opportunity to work with a qualified psychologist and experienced piano teacher who shares our passion and is able to provide real life scenarios and solutions.
Total Course Price (including bonuses):
GBP £67 or AUD $127

Plus these great bonuses
SPECIAL BONUS #1: a signed copy of Lucinda's Book "Tuning In" on which this course is based.
VALUE: GBP £17.99 or AUD $33.00
SPECIAL BONUS #2: "Six ways to increase your income and LOVE your job even more!" ebook.
VALUE: GBP £16 or AUD $29.00
TOTAL BONUSES: GBP £ 33.99 or AUD $62.00

Total Course Price (including bonuses):
GBP £67 or AUD $127
What are you waiting for?
Join this exclusive training to start that cashflow and transform your life!