Next show:
Wed 19 May (USA/CAN) Thur 20 May (Everywhere Else)

Guests across this series...

Lydia Meem
Lydia is a Clinical Psychologist who specialises in helping families recognise the joys and overcome the challenges of autism by tailoring behavioural strategies to suit the needs of awesome quirky children and adolescents at home and at school. She conducts autism, developmental, cognitive, attention, adaptive, and reading assessments, and isn't afraid to assess kids without "test-taking skills". She provides counselling and strategies for adolescents, adults and couples on the autism spectrum. Lydia provides autism training for parents, teachers and allied health professionals and can consult with organisations. She also provides training for psychologists on behaviours to look for and write about in assessments, including signs of autism.

Caryn Eastman
Caryn is a specialist classroom & instrumental music teacher based in a country town. As well as a host of music & teaching qualifications, she also holds a Post Grad Certificate in teaching students with special needs. Her experience in teaching children with learning difficulties has resulted in many referrals and now has a waiting list to join her very busy piano studio. With so much experience in teaching, Caryn now offers mentoring to teachers around the world who are interested in developing their skills in working with children with special needs and learning difficulties.

Alison Simpson
Based in the UK, Alison is a specialist educator who assists teachers who are teaching students with dyslexia. As an adult, she discovered that she was dyslexic so she has had many years of personal experience before formally training in how to help kids with this issue.
Alison is a high school teacher and a lover of music being involved in the local choir in her village. Music is in her family and her husband is a piano teacher and runs Blackrock Music UK. She understands the difficulties children have in learning music and offers some great ideas for teachers to help their students.
WHEN: Check your Time Zone
PACIFIC US - Wednesday 6pm
CENTRAL US - Wednesday 8pm
EASTERN - Wednesday 9pm
NSW • VIC • TAS • ACT • QLD - Thursday 11am
SA • NT - Thursday 10:30am
WA - Thursday 9am
Thursday: 1pm
INDONESIA - Thursday 8am
JAPAN & KOREA - Thursday 10am
Thursday - 3 am (Hoping you're sleeping at this time! - please join the watch list and we'll send the episode to your inbox)
THURSDAY 2 am (eek - join the watch list and watch us over your cornflakes!)
If we've missed your time out we're sorry... Check out the time in your local TIMEZONE here!
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